Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman
Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

617Chapters 684Views 20Bookmarked Completed Status



Growing up without a mother can be hard. For Jean Wen, life became worse when her father, Henry, brings home his mistress.With two half-siblings intent on causing trouble, Jean is shunned by Henry. Desperate to earn his love, she agrees to be sacrificed for familial interests. She marries a rich CEO in exchange for a land her father wants. However, her failure and added complications with her family mean that everyone abandons her. To find out the truth about her mother’s death, she even risks her life. Is it an accident? Or a murder? When her stepmother turns her back on her father, she chooses to stand by Henry’s side and save his company from bankruptcy.Alone in the world, Jean comes across her ex-boyfriend. Will his consideration rekindle her love toward him? Will she be able to make her marriage work? Turn the page to find out more!

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