Born As Kidney Donor For My Sister Novel by BEIJITA
Born As Kidney Donor For My Sister Novel by BEIJITA

Born As Kidney Donor For My Sister Novel by BEIJITA

70Chapters 1.4KViews 45Bookmarked Ongoing Status



Since I was young, my mother told me that my body was meant for my sister. I have lived my whole life for my sister. I wasn’t allowed to eat junk food because it was bad for my health I wasn’t allowed to play rough with other children because it could lead to injury. Finally, on my eighteenth birthday, I donated my kidney to my sister. After the surgery, with no one to care for me, I succumbed to an infection and died in the hospital. In my fading consciousness, I thought, without me, they would be able to live happily ever after. But after my death, my mother suddenly stopped loving my sister.

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