Come Back to Me
Come Back to Me

Come Back to Me

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On their wedding night, his face was both handsome and attractive like a devil. But a night destined for passion ended in an agony of successive tortures."Tracy, your father ruined my happiness, so I will let you know what it is to live in hell," his lips whispered these words of torture in her delicate young ear, and his voice echoed in her mind, changing her fate forever.For the briefest of moments, he would treat her with kindness when he saw her as a substitute for his dead lover.The corners of her beautiful mouth curved into a desperate smile as she pronounced, "You can hurt me, insult me, kill my father, and even kill your own child, but don't ever treat me as a substitute for that woman!"Four years later, she would return, revisiting all the shame and terror that he had inflicted on her on him a hundredfold. Would Tracy find the love she had been denied, or be made to suffer more at the hands of her estranged husband, Toby?Visit a tale of woe, unspeakable pain, and bitter hope with The Devil's Lure.

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