It will be always you Mrs.Henry
It will be always you Mrs.Henry

It will be always you Mrs.Henry

50Chapters 85Views 11Bookmarked Ongoing Status



Was that fate? Or I am just lucky to have him? But why does the luckiness or whatever didn't stay with me until the end?

I have feelings for him, I am not gonna lie with that.

I know that he is the only one who gave me happiness.

The whole world will stay against for us, but I still believed him and what happened now.

Just after we broke up, he already arranged marriage with the woman he always say that "she is just a friend".

I totally hate everyone here, so I ran away.

But I never expected that I will carry his twins in my belly.

So, what will happened, when we meet again after 5 years?

What if everything before was all a lie and I just fell into the trap that he ready for others?

Did I just fool myself?

Will I get another chance to gain what I have left?

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