My Sister's Boyfriend
My Sister's Boyfriend

My Sister's Boyfriend

95Chapters 168Views 11Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Oh, he is my new brother-in-law! *** Malu was just a girl. A girl who, a few months ago, had her heart broken and isolates herself in her own world for comfort, and also because of something she doesn't admit: She has become afraid of people. Afraid of what they are capable of, how much they can hurt. But everything changes when her sister shows up with a new boyfriend at home, a boyfriend who, from what she said, would be different, would work out. Confronted with her new brother-in-law, Malu sees her pains unearthed, and ends up rescuing more than just pains, but also moments and feelings long dormant. And Igor, her brother-in-law, now sees an opportunity to make it work, just in the wrong way. Will the two be able to create a bond of just friendship?

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