One Midnight Kiss: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Holiday Romance
One Midnight Kiss: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Holiday Romance

One Midnight Kiss: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Holiday Romance

40Chapters 378Views 33Bookmarked Completed Status


Lavish parties in Paris don’t impress a man like me.

Been there and done that a thousand times over.

But when I stumble upon a mysterious woman in black at a masked ball in Paris, she does more than impress.

She turns me on, over, and upside down just looking at her.

We shared a kiss but I know she needed more.

We both did.

Now all I have left of her is her glove.

I shouldn’t care this much about a memory—or a woman.

Especially when it’s getting in the way of a new girl who turns my head.

She happens to be my brother’s sister-in-law.

Talk about family ties.

But she also happens to be someone else.

Someone who taunts me with familiarity and curves I know I’ve seen before.

I’m on my knees for my woman in Paris.

And all she was…

Was one midnight kiss.

Every good girl deserves a bad boy. ~Weston

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