Overflow With Fake Love
Overflow With Fake Love

Overflow With Fake Love

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Read Overflow With Fake Love by Double Light. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free here

A young lady, Amy Turner, and a young man, Paul Howard, had signed a contract about a marriage of convenience that they would get a divorce after two years.Then she married Paul who was Said to be seriously ill.She had been the mock of the whole city after her marriage and what she could do was to accept it. During their marriage, Amy questioned her husband again and again, "Mr.Howard, isn't it said that you're seriously ill.Why did you..." "Well, you still have the energy to speak?" "Don't beat around the bush.Did you lie when we signed the contract?” "Of course not." "But I remember you were at your room last night.Why did you appear in my room now?" "I sleepwalked." At last, she couldn't bear it anymore.She decided to go abroad but was stopped by the man halfway. "Only you can be my wife"  

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