The Last Option
The Last Option

The Last Option

76Chapters 516Views 33Bookmarked Completed Status


How far would you go for someone else's child? Nathan Hicks is a young and powerful businessman at the head of a family corporation dedicated to gold mining and jewelry; he is a billionaire like few others: kind, caring and with a great sense of humanity. Everything in his life is almost perfect, the only thing missing for him and his wife Norma is having a child, but unfortunately she cannot conceive, so they must resort to a surrogate. Bernard Sullivan is a hardworking, honest and simple man; together with his wife Margaret they fight to have everything in life, especially a house, which is their dream. Thanks to the referral of a friend, Bernard will get a job as a driver for Nathan Hicks, and he immediately gains his trust and esteem, to the point of asking him to rent out his wife's belly to have their long-awaited son. Bernard and his wife Margaret accept, greatly improving their lives thanks to Nathan's generosity, but not suspecting the deadly game they will enter when accepting the billionaire's request.

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