Wild West of the Heart
Wild West of the Heart

Wild West of the Heart

100Chapters 42Views 10Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The romantic lives of three teenagers are intertwined in unimaginable ways the moment one of them returns from the States. And with all of the impediments that come with living in a conservative town, these set of queer youth struggle the most with drugs, trauma and crime, inadvertently testing deeply entrenched beliefs about life, friendships, love and sexuality. This book encompasses all their lives, and tells their heartwarming coming of age stories as they embark on a journey of finding their identity whilst navigating the tumultuous hallways of high school. It is anything but easy, especially when a tragic murder is uncovered, leading to a trail of both imminent danger and fear. The question isn’t just whether or not they’d survive it all in the end, but also how much of themselves they’d lose in the process. And who would they even be?

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