You Are The Pursuit of My Life
You Are The Pursuit of My Life

You Are The Pursuit of My Life

207Chapters 762Views 24Bookmarked Completed Status



I was infertile. My husband Edric said he would love me no matter what.

For three years, he had always been gentle to me, I was happy that I found someone who truly loved me and didn't mind that I couldn't give him a child. Until one day, I learned the fact that he's been cheating on me a long time ago, living a double life, and having a baby with someone else.

And that woman was a very close friend of mine.

I was mad, I slapped her, but didn't expect it would kill her baby.

Edric was furious and sent his lawyer to force me to sign the divorce agreement.

I was told not to take any jewelry Edric bought me, and no property would belong to me, all I could do was just pack and leave.

Three years later, I came back for revenge, with another man...

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