Rebel Birds Attraction
Rebel Birds Attraction

Rebel Birds Attraction

49Chapters 42Views 11Bookmarked Ongoing Status



Keanu is an FBI agent specializing in drug trafficking who goes undercover to conduct a police investigation. He poses as an environmentalist at a contemporary dance school in Costa Rica, where Jade, an Arab dancer, and Everth, the director of the dance school, teach the children about marine conservation. Keanu wants to stop the illegal trade in which the dancers, Everth and Jade, are involved. But unbeknownst to him, as he shares with Jade, the lead dancer of the environmentalist group, he will discover that he has fallen in love with her, but now he must turn her in to the law and end the social program that Keanu has been supporting as an undercover biologist, working to save turtles and marine conservation. When Jade discovers that Keanu is a policeman who intends to turn her and her friends in, Jade must choose what her heart tells her to do: stay with her great love or plunge into the adventure of a new love on the edge of the law.

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